VP Roadhouse Reunion Jan 24 2015

The VP Roadhouse Restaurant opened May 1, 1981 to great business and support from Cobden and the whitewater rafters. Dorothy took over from Debbie and Jill by Christmas and hired Dennis who had just finished a bar-tending course at Algonquin College in Renfrew.
Annie States was the first cook under the new regime and she was joined quickly by Joanne Pratt and Sherry Blaedow. Then Stormy arrived to do the baking.

From then on it was 10 great years of good food and wonderful music supported by the best staff in the valley. Every Friday and Saturday night and the odd Sunday afternoon the entertainers kept the locals coming in. Terry McLeish, Grant Tompkinson, Bob and Claude, Cari Schauer, Jim States, John Doddridge, Ray Heaney, Dan Denty, John Procher, Shannon McIsaac, Buzz Thompson, Wayne Lemke, Rita and Derek Tolhurst, Grant Frazer, Beaver & Shirley Saar, Jim Hepner played again and again and had a great following.
We hope to see all the old staff, customers and musicians at the reunion in the Cobden Legion on Saturday, January 24th.
Come for the ‘Meet and Greet’ from 7-9 pm so that we can talk before the music starts.

Let us know if you would like to eat there by responding on the reunion site before January 19th.