Posted February 18, 2015 By CobdenToday

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Posted February 10, 2015 By CobdenToday

It was a perfect day for the 5th annual Cobden Civitan Ice Fishing Derby – 779 anglers and 80 kids for the derby. Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors, donators, and contributors.
In winning photo – not in order:
* 1st place pike 31 1/2″ Josh Rockburn
* 2nd place pike 30″ Scott Lewis
* 3rd place pike $29 1/4″ Joel Droley
* 1st place perch 12″ Lee Denty-
* 2nd place perch 11 3/4″ Kalon Riopelle
* 3rd place perch 11 1/2″ Mike Stoppa
* 1st place Mystery fish with lake trout 25 1/4″ Victoria Moss
* 2nd place mystery fish 19 3/4″ lake trout Paul Sauve
* 3rd place mystery fish 19 1/2″ lake trout Brad Borutski .

Until next year……..

Posted February 7, 2015 By CobdenToday
Over 800 registered for the fishing derby and over 100 pike were caught and weighed – 75 of those registered were children so the fishing derby is now attracting the next generation. A big fire bin for everyone to get warmed when the frost got the toes and fingers…

Bob Porter from Civitan club cooking up hot dogs and hamburgers. Over 125 trucks and cars out on the lake. An array of prizes from local businesses .

The weather co-operated and the day turned out to be a real family affair.