Posted January 26, 2015 By CobdenToday

Stop by office of Dean Faught and Associates .
Year end is upon us. Should you need some professional tax advice and accounting assistance Dean Faught and the staff are ready to serve you. Open daily 8:30-5:30
Oh, and by the way, Hillary (Faught ) Moss had a beautiful baby girl early Sunday morning – 7lb 1 oz. Congrats to Grandpa and Grandma Faught…
Posted January 21, 2015 By CobdenToday

Cindy, Hillary and Dean all on duty at the new offices of Collins Barrow.
Please feel free to drop by – no appointment needed… open daily 8:30-5:00
What a benefit to have a first class accountant right here in our village.
If you haven’t made arrangements for your year end , why not drop down and see what this new company is able to offer…
Posted January 20, 2015 By CobdenToday

Great weekend for the peewee Thunder!
Congrats girls on winning the Adirondack tourney!