Posted October 30, 2014 By CobdenToday

Bengo products and have set up an office at 32 Main St in Cobden. Fell free to stop in during the day. Interested in money back with every purchase? Drop by Thursdays @ 7pm and we’ll show you how…..
Posted October 28, 2014 By CobdenToday
Hal Johnson is the new mayor of Whitewater Region. Johnson took the biggest share of the vote, with 964 votes. Closest to him in the race was Joey Trimm with 927 votes, followed by the incumbent Jim Labow with 785 and Doug Shields with 510 votes.
Terry Millar won the Reeve’s Chair by a landslide – 2355 votes compared to Don Rathwell’s 791.
Elected to council are: Charlene Jackson, Dave Mackay, Daryl McLaughlin returns to his seat, while Cathy Regier and Chris Olmstead also won seats on council.
Congratulations to all!
Posted October 20, 2014 By CobdenToday

The Cobden Curling Club kicks off the season with their annual ‘Community Bonspiel’ – commencing Monday, October 27 through to Saturday, November 1. This is a great opportunity for anyone in the community, experienced or not, to curl and participate in a social and entertaining time.
The Bonspiel consists of curling three pre-arranged games over 6 days with a catered supper on Saturday, November 1 at a cost of $22/person. Tickets for dinner only cost $12/person. An invitation is extended to everyone to bring out a friend, neighbour or fellow employee. Curling brooms are available but you must bring your own clean pair of rubber-soled running shoes. Please carry these shoes to the club as you must change footwear before going on the ice.
To sign up, please contact Gerry Afelskie (613-646-2684) or Jim Gauthier (613-638-0276) before Saturday October 18, 2014.