Posted July 5, 2014 By CobdenToday

Ella and her little dog Rosie coping with the heat. Andrea and her dog Riley, a short haired Pointer, enjoying a walk with their friends Cathy and little Picanese dog Maggie.
Plus Lisa and her dog Tahli having ice cream. Even the dogs love a stop at the Scoop…
Posted July 2, 2014 By CobdenToday

The Langton family and friends will soon be to welcoming you to the SIXTH annual Ranch Lake Motor sport event. This year, they hope to see you starting on Friday night and through out the Weekend of August the 8th, 9th & 10th.
Posted July 1, 2014 By CobdenToday

Our NEW Canadian citizen is back home and proudly flying the Canadian flag.
Welcome home Clem and Trish Dupuis.